(+855) 99 212 545 info@thecmdf.org


This Eid al-Adha, let's embrace the spirit of giving and share the blessings of Qurban (Udhiya) with those who need it most. Imagine the smiles on the faces of families receiving your gift of nutritious meat, a symbol of compassion, unity, and faith.


Why Choose CMDF?

  • Trusted Experience: We've delivered Qurban with transparency and accountability since 1997.

  • Global Reach: Your Qurban reaches thousands in need across Asia, and the Middle East.

  • Ethical Practices: We ensure all animals are treated respectfully and slaughtered according to Islamic guidelines.

  • Impactful Reporting: Stay updated on the progress of your Qurban through our regular reports and updates.

Deepen Your Understanding Of Qurban:

To enrich your journey and enhance your Qurban experience, we invite you to explore our helpful guides:

This Eid, be a part of something bigger. Donate your Qurban through CMDF and help share in the Sunnah of our Prophet PBUH, whilst impacting communities who food insecure. This Eid, let's work together to make Eid truly special for everyone.

Contact us for more details